AA Blue Bastard
AA Blue Bastard - 27% THCThis heavy hitting strain is perfect for the evening hours when you want to be relaxed and sedated but still clear-headed and functional. This indica-dominant strain has just enough sativa to keep you from being completely sedated or lethargic and offers substantial body relief that feels like a warm bath or a comforting electric blanket. Due to these potent effects, Blue Bastard is an ideal strain for treating patients suffering from conditions such as depression, fatigue, and chronic stress or anxiety disorders.
AAA Cherry Bomb
AAA Cherry Bomb - 24% THCSince it falls right in the moderate potency category, patients are able to get the relief from that needed daytime smoke. It starts off a little bit cerebral. Then becomes more focused to slow down your body. And no type of hangover effect. It is perfect for those patients who are only looking to get slightly medicated, or to start the day off right. Appearance is light green and not much to look at, but it gets high ratings from fans of the fruity-style strains.
AAA+ Pink Gelato
AAA+ Pink Gelato - 27% THCThe flavor is an explosion of sweet fruity berries, creamy vanilla, and lip-puckering sour citrus. The Pink Gelato high isn't quite as bright, with effects that will gently lift the mood while simultaneously settling the body. You'll feel your mind activate after just one toke, filled with a lifted sense of euphoria that has you feeling creative and outgoing at the same time. A physical tingle comes next, slowly working its way into your body before fully taking hold and leaving you completely numb and relaxed from head to toe.
AAA+ Green Kandy Krack
AAA+ Green Kandy Krack - 26% THCThis celebrity child boasts a super-powered high with a deliciously tangy flavor that will leave your mouth watering. Like its name implies, this bud has a sweet and sour citrusy tropical guava candy flavor accented by sugary melon and a touch of spicy skunkiness. The Green Kandy Krack high will come rushing in almost as soon as you exhale, filling your mind with a lifted sense of happiness that's tingly and stimulating. This tingle will soon work its way throughout your entire body, lulling you into a state of pure relaxation that's lightly weighty and pleasantly tranquil. This combination will quickly turn sedative, so mind your dosage if you have anything to do other than sleep.
AAAA+ Strawberry Runtz Hand Sifted Kief
AAAA+ Strawberry Runtz Hand Sifted KiefLike its name suggests, Strawberry Runtz has a mouthwatering taste of sweet and creamy strawberry candy with a light touch of grassiness to it, too. The Strawberry Runtz high hits you almost as soon as you're done with your first amazing exhale, rushing into your mind with a sense of giddy energy and euphoria. You'll find your mind filled with motivation and clear-headed focus that gets you moving on anything on your to-do list with ease. A stimulating tingly body high accompanies this heady state, getting you up and off of the couch in no time at all.
AAA Crown Royale Smalls
AAA Crown Royale Smalls - 21% THCCrown Royal produces a cerebral high on your body that slowly tends to take over your system. Its body buzz is very strong and energizing. It has a lovely taste that is a mixture of citrus, dank, flowery and spicy flavors. The aroma of this strain is nice and smooth. It is a good blend of pine and citrus flavors. The strain has a flowering period of nine weeks. Crown Royale is most suitable for the medical patients suffering from depression and stress as it relaxes their nerves and relieves all the symptoms of stress.
AAA+ Maui Wowie
AAA+ Maui Wowie - 28% THCThe strain offers a high-end euphoria along with pineapple flavors that allow your mind to drift away to creative spaces. Its effects are all you will ever need to get outside and remain active throughout the day which is why it is an excellent day and morning smoke. The high is quite different, as it will leave your body buzzing and in an excellent mood. Keeping this in mind, there is no doubt that the strain will leave you feeling relaxed and energized regardless of how horrible your day may have been already.
AAA+ Dank Star By Nitro Buds
Disclaimer: “Gas” strains are known for their strong, diesel-like aroma and high THC content; use cautiously, start with a low dose, and consume responsibly, especially if new to cannabis or sensitive to strong effects.AAA+ Dank Star By Nitro Buds - 16% THCThe high starts with a buzzy head rush that leaves you happy and uplifted with a building sense of euphoria that fades into a blissful hazy feeling. This is followed by a building body buzz that spreads from the head and neck throughout the body with a numbing effect that can leave you feeling slightly couch-locked and pretty hungry.
AAAA Pink Bubba Mediums By Nitro Buds
Disclaimer: “Gas” strains are known for their strong, diesel-like aroma and high THC content; use cautiously, start with a low dose, and consume responsibly, especially if new to cannabis or sensitive to strong effects.AAAA Pink Bubba Mediums By Nitro Buds - 25% THCThe Pink Bubba high is just as wonderful as the flavor, with long-lasting and lifted effects that are perfect for when you just want to kick back and relax without a care in the world. You'll feel a lifted onset fill your mind a few minutes after your final toke, expanding gently and pushing away any negative or racing thoughts with ease. Soon after, you'll feel a light tingly effect start to sneak its way into your body, lulling you into a totally relaxed state that will leave you slightly couch-locked and hopelessly sedated for hours on end.
AAAA+ Super Bubba Smalls By Green Valley
Disclaimer: “Gas” strains are known for their strong, diesel-like aroma and high THC content; use cautiously, start with a low dose, and consume responsibly, especially if new to cannabis or sensitive to strong effects.AAAA+ Super Bubba Smalls By Green Valley - 29% THCThe high hits you between the eyes almost as soon as you exhale, filling your brain with a lifted sense of happiness that leaves you with no room for any bad moods or thoughts. As your mind settles into this happy and dazed state, a soothing body high will begin to sneak in, settling into your arms and legs with a light weightiness. A deep relaxation comes next, filling you with a sleepy sense that has you dozing off before you know it. This bud has a sweet and spicy mocha coffee flavor with a lightly peppery exhale.
AAA+ Hippie Crippler By Green Valley
AAA+ Hippie Crippler By Green Valley - 20% THCIt has a pungent, but sweet aroma that instantly uplifts your spirits. It instantly affects your system and makes you feel energetic and euphoric. It also helps you focus and be more creative, so you can get your jobs done easily after smoking Hippie Crippler. However, increasing its dosage can also make you bleary-eyed and giddy as most people aren't able to tolerate it in higher concentrations.