AAAA Chunky Monkey
AAAA Chunky Monkey - 23% THCThis bud has a lifted yet soothing overtone that will instantly kill any stresses or anxieties and keep them that way. You'll feel the effects hit you fairly quickly after your final exhale as your mind is filled with an uplifted sense of euphoria. You'll feel giggly and sociable, laughing easily and carrying on conversations with anyone and everyone around you. As you talk and laugh the night away, a relaxing body high will creep over you, leaving you feeling kicked back and at ease, although not sedated in the slightest. This bud has a sweet and fruity cherry berry flavor with a touch of spicy bananas and tree fruit upon exhale.
AAAA Sour Batch Kiss Mediums By Green Valley
AAAA Sour Batch Kiss Mediums By Green Valley - 31% THCSour Batch Kiss has a super sour and sweet citrusy candy flavor that will leave your mouth watering. The Sour Batch Kiss high eases its way into your mind mere minutes after your first toke, lifting your spirits and infusing you with focused energy and creativity. A light buzzy tingle will begin to build in your limbs as your mental state expands, slowly working its way through the rest of your body and leaving you incredibly relaxed without being sedated or weighted down.
AAAA Lucky Charms Mediums By Green Valley
AAAA Lucky Charms Mediums By Green Valley - 25% THCNamed for the iconic cereal, Lucky Charms packs a super delicious flavor and full-bodied effects that will have you feeling energized in no time at all. Much like its namesake, Lucky Charms has a super sweet and sugary fruity berry flavor with a lightly sour citrusy exhale. The Lucky Charms high is just as delicious, with lifted and energizing effects that stimulate the mind while relaxing the body. You'll feel creative with a sense of giddiness that spreads from head to heart, boosting your spirits and filling you with a sense of energizing motivation and happiness. A physical sense of relaxation accompanies this heady lift, leaving you feeling kicked back and pretty hungry at times.
AAAA El Diablo OG Mediums By Green Valley
AAAA El Diablo OG Mediums By Green Valley - 20% THCEl Diablo OG has a sativa-to-indica ratio of 60:40, so the high is largely cerebral, with clear-headed effects, a strong dose of euphoria, and a moderate body buzz. Medically speaking, this strain is helpful with chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, and migraine headaches.
Cheetah Breath Strain Indica or Sativa
AAAA Super Lemon Haze Mediums By Green Valley - 25% THCIt's a blend of Lemon Skunk and Super Silver Haze, and it has a Sativa/indica ratio of 80:20. That means heady, peppy, cerebral effects: arousal, creativity, energy, euphoria, and intense happiness. These make for ideal tools in treating depression, fatigue, anxiety, nausea, and chronic pain. Super Lemon Haze has a tart, zesty lemon flavor and aroma, with sweet notes of candy.
AAAA Pink Starburst Mediums By Green Valley
AAAA Pink Starburst Mediums By Green Valley - 20% THCThis bud has a sweet fruity candy flavor that drips off of your tongue with each tasty toke. The Pink Starburst high comes on fairly quickly after you take a few hits, filling your mind with clear-headed focus and a tingly sense of happiness. This effect will increase your motivation and creativity as a sense of happy relaxation spreads from head to toe.
AAA+ New York Power Diesel By Green Valley
AAA+ New York Power Diesel By Green Valley - 24% THCNew York Power Diesel is a perfect bud for even the most discerning cannabis user! The high hits you almost immediately in the head with a crisp uplifting effect that leaves you intensely energized with a sense of creative focus and motivation. This happy cerebral high is almost violently cut by a narcotic indica effect that leaves you completely couch-locked and sedated with a heavy introspection that can leave you spacey and distant.
AAA+ Green Dream By Green Valley
AAA+ Green Dream By Green Valley - 24% THCIt is termed as Green Dream due to its taste which is kind of like green tea and also because it has been formed out of Blue Dream which is one of the most prevalent strains available. The effect this strain produces on a patient is that it provides them with a child-like feeling towards life. With an insanely high THC level of 24 percent, Green Dream instills in a person an out-of-body sensation. This hybrid is predominantly used for stress but is also helpful for depression. It contains a number of great effects. This strain is effective for stress, chronic fatigue and when a person needs to get things done quickly.
AAA+ Amnesia Mac Ganja Smalls
AAA+ Amnesia Mac Ganja Smalls - 22% THCAmnesia Mac Ganja catches you just a few seconds after your first exhale, ripping your mind from reality and launching it into lifted euphoria. This state can quickly become psychedelic as your mind soars through creative introspection, which can prove to be overwhelming to some. While your mind reaches new heights, your body will stay anchored with a mellow sense of relaxation that won't weigh you down in the slightest.
AAAA Biker Kush Mediums By Green Valley
AAAA Biker Kush Mediums By Green Valley - 25% THCYou'll feel the heady effects first, beginning with a light tingle behind the eyes before working their way through your entire cerebral state, leaving you euphoric with a touch of creative energy. As your mind expands, your body will begin to settle into a deeply relaxing state, sinking into the couch and leaving you totally calm. This bud has a spicy fruity flavor with a sour citrus exhale accompanied by sweet woods and pines.
AAA Gush Mintz
AAA Gush Mintz - 20% THCIf you're after an amazing flavor with a sleepy, nighttime high, Gush Mints is the perfect indica for you. Like its parent strains, Gush Mints packs a sweet and sugary berry cherry flavor with a punch of sour citrus and tangy menthol that intensifies the more that you toke. The Gush Mints high will settle in a few minutes after your final exhale, hitting your brain with a lifted sense of pure euphoria that's accompanied by a heavy happiness that leaves no room for negative or racing thoughts. A soothing body high comes next, washing over your physical form and leaving you feeling fully numb and sedated from head to toe.